AIDS virus is weakening
"They found the newer samples appeared not to multiply as well, and were more sensitive to drugs"
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Allt det där din mamma varnade dig för...
"They found the newer samples appeared not to multiply as well, and were more sensitive to drugs"
They've beat Apple to the punch, OS X for x86 is available for retail in Bangkok already!
A hysterical picture has emerged on the internet, showing Chewbacca groping the breast of Princess Leia (or someone dressed like Chewbacca groping Carrie Fisher.) Looks to be taken around the "Empire Strikes Back" era.
Precis som Windows Media Center fast open source freeware! :)
Sure you probably already downloaded the movie and watched it when it was leaked a month or so ago, but here's your chance to support the Family Guy artists. Kevin, himself, said he'd still buy a copy of the DVD to show support. I hope more people will do the same. That's the only reason for this digg.
From the website:
Roboten Arturito har hjälpt skattletare i Chile att hitta vad som kan vara den största skatten som någonsin har hittats.
"The deleted scenes include one that fans have been waiting a long time to see, one that shows Yoda arriving on the swamp-planet of Dagobah, where Luke Skywalker meets him in 'The Empire Strikes Back,'"
Only 400 of the leeter than thou will be in attendance. It's by invite only and they're going to announce something that will change everything! Just like the Segway did!
Den organiserade piratkopieringen av filmer, musik och annat upphovsrättsligt skyddat material har minskat kraftigt det senaste halvåret. Detta hävdar Antipiratbyrån, vars undersökning dock avfärdas av Piratbyrån.
An agile robot is being groomed to scale volcanic cliffs on Mars, climb down sheer crater walls on the moon, and traverse the craggy faces of asteroids.
Red Hats ena grundare, Bob Young, är expert på framtida affärsmodeller. Han dömer ut skivbolagens jakt på vanliga människor som fildelar. I stället för att försöka införa fler lagar borde de satsa ordentligt på internet, som alla andra företag.
Leo and Kate overview the Ultimate Gaming Machine back in 1998. This was unreasonable in 1998 with 128 of SD RAM!
The past rumors have now come true, Futurama is back. An interview with Billy West confirms everything.
Skin cells have been converted successfully to Stem Cells, which are, basically cells that can fix you if you break your back.
An Obese person can get stuck on an airline toilet: Busted
Volvo Lastvagnar ska lansera sig på 31 marknader i Europa och uppdraget att skapa lanseringssajten har gått till Framfab.
Quark has a new logo, which is nearly identical to the logo of "The Scottish Arts Counsel"
Dolby® Headphone technology allows users to wear any set of headphones and listen to music, watch movies, or play video games with the dramatic surround effects of a 5.1-channel soundtrack.
Jens of Sweden klarade inte konkurrensen från de stora utländska märkena och har nu lämnat in en konkursansökan. Problem med defekta spelare och tullavgifter har lett till akuta betalningsproblem.
I love bananas. Popular Science has an article about how they are going extinct. Apparently in the early 1900's the main table variety of banana went extinct and was replaced by what we eat now. According to Popular Science this is happening again.
Scientists at Nexia Biotechnologies in Montreal have discovered what happens when you cross a spider with a goat.
Picasa is a free photo-sharing service by Google. Version 2.0 has been just released featuring Gmail/Blogger integration, CD burning a new collage-generating tool, and some more photographic editing features.
Turns the GIMP into a Photoshop look alike. Maybe this will convert Photoshop pirates into Gimp users.
A Windows version of the handy app Portable Firefox has been available for some time now. However, a cross-platform version has recently been released, that works on both Windows and OS X at the same time, keeping data for both operating systems in sync.
An ambigram is a graphical figure that spells out a word not only in its form as presented, but also in another direction or orientation. John Langdon is the artist who created the ambigrams used in Dan Browns Angels & Demons.
This article shows you how to use the Tor anonymous service with Azureus bittorrent client. Another good article can be found here: [Article]
Once your connection is routed through the iPhantom, you benefit from anonymity in web browsing, e-mail, file transfers and VoIP, all for the newly slashed $69.95. Acts as an AVS, anti-spyware + firewall once routed through iPhantom's servers. And yes, the same iPhantom Leo Laporte mentioned on the most recent(#7) TWIT pod cast. $15 monthly.
"...activity of neurons [in the brain] can be decoded into a reconstructed image." Link includes pictures of actual reconstructions from the activity of 177 cells in a cat's brain.
The World Wide Web began as a CERN project. The first website went on-line in 1991. This is a link to a copy of the original "World-Wide Web Home" of CERN, created by Berners-Lee.
Albert Einstein's greatest theory - general relativity - has passed its toughest test with the help of two exotic stars that orbit each other at speeds of 621,000 mph.
Storm Chaser Mike Theiss takes you up close and personal with Hurricane Katrina. Awesome footage.
Storm Chaser Mike Theiss takes you up close and personal with Hurricane Katrina. Awesome footage.
Quantum immortality is the controversial speculation that the Everett many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that a conscious being cannot cease to be.
Den här hör definitivt hemma i pojkrummet!
Peruvian explorers have discovered the fossilised remains of a giant, 14-metre long crocodile deep in the Amazon jungle, lending credence to a theory that the world's largest rain forest was once a huge inland sea.
Good news for lovers of extra-virgin olive oil: besides being delicious on salads, it also contains a compound that mimics the effects of ibuprofen. So a Mediterranean-style diet might give you the supposed long-term benefits of that drug, such as a reduced cancer risk.
A parasitic worm that makes the grasshopper it invades jump into water and commit suicide does so by chemically influencing its brain, a study of the insect's proteins reveal.
What is there to say about this film that hasn’t been said here before? The first in what will surely be many starring roles for David Belle and Cyril Raffaelli, Banlieue 13 is a near future actionioner built around the unique and dazzling physical abilities of its two stars. How unique? Well, Belle is the founder of an entirely new extreme sport known as parkour.
A gross creature which gobbles up a fish's tongue and then replaces it with its own body has been found in Britain for the first time.
Computer Swedens läsare ställer Antipiratbyrån mot väggen: Hur ska laglig fildelning kunna skiljas ut från olaglig om filtrering införs? Var svarta pengar inblandade i aktionen mot Bahnhof? Här får du svaren från Henrik Pontén.
The HR-2 robot was constructed during a period of three months at Chalmers University in Sweden. It has 22 degrees of freedom which enables it to easily move around imitating human motions. The robot is also equipped with stereovision giving it possibilities to perform hand-eye coordination. For that task an artificial neural network is evolved. Furthermore, the artificial brain is capable of tracking faces as well as recognising them. The HR-2 is also able to speak.
Sammy Krupa sez, "I wrote a guide to installing the developer Intel version of Mac OS X Tiger (Intel) on a generic PC. The amazing thing: I installed and troubleshooted the installation of Mac OS X on Intel in 8 steps."
The people who made this must have a lot of time on their hands because this "musical" is all in CG. All though you can only see 1 song, the rest you can hear.
This site has a web based application for creating your own personal note booklet. The pages are customizable to fit your needs and print easily out of most printers.
It is generally believed that human beings have sex either for pleasure or reproduction. However, the number of people driven with these motivations has been reducing steadily during the recent years. The majority of humans use sex as the most pleasant and available remedy for a whole bouquet of problems.
Have you ever wanted to make a resizable box with rounded (or any shape) corners, custom borders, and a transparent shadow? Did you also want to do that without cluttering your markup with a bunch of non-semantic div elements? Now you can.
Welcome to the fourth dimension. And the fifth, and the sixth. A team of astrophysicists claims to have identified evidence that space is six-dimensional.
Admit it: You want to be the sole survivor of an airline disaster. You aren't looking for a disaster to happen, but if it does, you see yourself coming through it. Let's say your jet blows apart at 35,000 feet. You exit the aircraft, and you begin to descend independently. Now what?
Developers are currently working on making a globally scalable peer-to-peer 'darknet'. The group has now announced it has a pre-alpha version ready to test
Google Talk, The water display, Engadget 1985, AOL Fined for being to hard to cancel, New GMail feature, Prank calls to Geek Squad, Top 15 tech shows, and stupid harry potter.
This is a pretty good list of hardware supported by MacOSX for Intel. All the listed hardware allows you to run OSX natively without any emulation (VMware). Great if your considering building a cheap system to try OSX out on!
This article explains how to setup and use a proxy to route all your web surfing at work (or anywhere) through an encrypted tunnel to the connection at your house. Uses OpenSSH and Privoxy. Leaves no trace of the sites you visit and gets around any site blocking that may be setup.