Hack your Body
18 tricks to teach your body. Soothe a burn, cure a toothache, clear a stuffed nose...
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Allt det där din mamma varnade dig för...
18 tricks to teach your body. Soothe a burn, cure a toothache, clear a stuffed nose...
Old but useful. Rotate your digital photos without loss of quality. Rota doesn't de-compress JPEG images completely and moves intermediate data from-to rotate 90/180/270 degrees position. It doesn't cause loss of image quality and your picture can be rotated without compromise.
"CSS Menu Generator will generate both the CSS and the HTML code required to produce a text-based yet appealing set of navigation buttons"
Time Magazine's Television Critic James Poniewozik has put Battlestar Galactica at the top of his list of the Best TV Shows from 2005. His summary starts off 'Most of you probably think this entry has got to be a joke. The rest of you have actually watched the show.
Genes that control the timing of organ formation during development also control timing of aging and death, and provide evidence of a biological timing mechanism for aging, Yale researchers report in the journal Science.
With StaxRip you can easily convert your DVD's, DVB or DV captures or almost any other source format. As a open source application StaxRip is completely free.
For all you people who have ever downloaded the dreaded password protected torrents and found yourself upset because you cant find the password on the site you downloaded it from... well here you go. This cracks rar passwords and its FREE
"Only a small daily treat of dark chocolate may substantially increase the amount of antioxidant intake and beneficially affect vascular health," the report's authors said.
All objects have electrons that repulse when there meet other electrons, so when there is no resistance there electrons are easily flowing from on medium to another, however in the middle (air) the electrons meet each other and cause repulsion, which in turn pushes the magnet up.
Still haven't bought all the presents? Why not buy this lovely Eric CRAPTON cd to someone love? Merry Christmas everyone! :)
A list of the top feeds that made us laugh in 2005. If you aren't subscribed to them yet, you should be.
The scientific magazine "Nature" has compared 42 articles in both the encyclopedia Wikipedia and the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Experts in their field were given the task to check for factual errors. To the surprise of nature, both encyclopedias were containing similar amounts of errors.
The European Space Agency is developing a new thruster based on the same physics that power the northern and southern auroras. This new plasma thruster could eventually deliver more power than the efficient ion engines which have been installed on several spacecraft.
"Scientists have slowed down and even stopped the fastest substance in the universe: light. As this ScienCentral News video reports, the research may lead to faster, more powerful computers."
Ok, so you know there is a beta of Google Earth floating on the net. I�m sure you would love to play with it. Wait no longer my children. A VERY MYSTERIOUS person sent an email to UNEASYsilence's tipline with the download link.
"Impossible in real life, but feasible in a computer simulation: A tour through the city centre of Tübingen illustrates what we should see when moving at such a high speed." -- This is absolutely amazing. A must see.
180 ° news is something Digg should keep their eyes on. It's a web-based RSS reader that pulls thousands of stories from the web daily, which can be marked as important (imp'd). It's cookie based, so no logins are required. Other topics like sports and entertainment are also covered.
A FREE and UPDATED Travel guide is what you will get at Wikitravel...so if you are on the move, do have a look at this site for some useful information.
Well, a darn good ripoff anyway. The Koreans Strike Back, with an absolutely FREE FPS with driveable vehicles, modern weaponry, and a built-in ranking system. The graphics are beautiful, and the gameplay is fast and chaotic, so grab the installer and lets blow each other away!
Yes, that's what I said, an operatic short film by SAAB, with SAAB's made in 1988 and a kick in the teeth to those people who all do their car stunts by CGI. (quote from themovieblog.com) 8 min 39 sec long.
Public Domain Torrents offers an extensive collection of Classic and B-Movie torrents. The copyright of these movies has expired so you are free to share them.
Today's APOD is friggan sweet looking. Its a digitally enhanced composite of two satellite photos taken day and night.
Wild stuff. Jellyfish 6ft wide and weigh 450lb (200kg), with countless poisonous tentacles, they have drifted across the void to terrorize the people of Japan.
Every one has seen one of those crazy people walking down the street in New York. Louis Wain was a calendar artist who went crazy in the late 1800's. He continued to paint as he went schizophrenic, and you can literally see him go nuts in front of your eyes as you look at his work over time.
Klicktrack music has no DRM or copy protection built in. They feel that it's better to treat the customers with respect and do not automatically assume they are criminals. I digg that.
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"Squirrels have bitten to death a stray dog which was barking at them in a Russian park, local media report."
A very nice top 10 of the most used (custom or native) JavaScript functions! A must read!