Get Batman-like hidden passageways in your house
A company that makes and sells the parts, motors, and security systems for secret doorways a la Batman - including book levers in the bookshelf to reveal a secret room, reclining chairs that open up to enter a tube slide to another floor, etc. Cool animations of their work.
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Fellowship of the Ring - HD vs DVD quality comparison
Wonder if the quality of HD is going to be much better than DVD? Check out these screenshots from "The Fellowship of the Ring" DVD transfer and rollover to compare them to their HD counterpart. The difference is amazing!
The HD screencaps have been sampled down to DVD resolution, so be sure to click on them to get the full effect.
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Why 7.1 Surround Sound is Overkill For Most Homes
Home Theater expert Mark Fleischmann explains why you should not fall for the 7.1 hype and why 5.1 surround sound is adequate for most homes.
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The 101 Best Free Games Available
If you have no money and want a new game look no further. Here are 101 free games. There's bound to be something you'll like.
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'DNA target' to block HIV found
"American scientists have discovered how a molecule controls HIV's ability to hijack the genetic machinery of human cells. The finding gives experts a new target for blocking the virus, according to the journal Nature Medicine."
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Create a nice Web Forms online - Ajax style
Wufoo.com is a new Web 2.0 app, created by Particle Tree. It is an online Form Builder, enabling you to create nice-looking forms. At the moment it's only in Beta (surprise - surprise !), and nothing about what we can do with the forms after we create it. But check out the public demo, it's a very nice implementation of AJAX.
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learn how to easily airbrush your photos to make you look like a star!
Ever wonder how they airbrush celebrity photographs, in order to make the star look picture perfect?
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High Resolution Stereo Camera Shows a Large Remnant Mountain On Mars
These images, taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera on board Mars Express spacecraft, show the Ausonia Mensa massif on Mars.Ausonia Mensa is a large remnant mountain with several impact craters, rising above basaltic sheet layers. It stretches over an area of about 98 km by 48 km and has an elevation of 3700 metres.
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The swiss army knife of gaming cheating
Poke is the ultimate gaming utility. It's a small program that allows you to cheat in every game out there - published or to be published in the future!
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Can Humans Mentally Slow Time - Cool experiment
A fascinating read on how scientists were able to prove humans 'see' the world slow down when in a terrifying situation. Also looks how our body clock system was discovered and a rare condition - Permenant Jet lag syndrome.
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Couple in Sweden finds Unidentified Animal among Frozen Shrimp
"When Karin and Kenneth Palmqvist was half way into their bonus pack with frozen shrimps they found a strange animal...The creature resembles a crocodile with upper eyes which, when it was alive, would have been able to scan above a smooth surface. But there the crocodilian similarity ends
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Boeing 747 vs. 2 cars by Top Gear
The Top Gear guys are at it again. This time they check what happens when a car drives behind a Boeing 747 at full thrust. What a great video by Top Gear.
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How they named companies
Lists how many of the corporations got their names. Read on, its good fun. For example: Xerox- The inventor, Chestor Carlson, named his product trying to say `dry'.
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Quantum computer solves problem, without running
Using an optical-based quantum computer, a research team led by physicist Paul Kwiat has presented the first demonstration of "counterfactual computation," inferring information about an answer, even though the computer did not run.
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Terry Gilliam: Studios are the Pirates
Director and ex-Monty Python Terry Gilliam is fine with people pirating his movies, as long as they don't screw up the encoding!
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Desktop Earth - Gorgeous Wallpaper Generator
Desktop Earth generates very high-resolution wallpapers based on NASA's Blue Marble Next imagery. Both online and downloadable versions are available.
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Getting email before it's sent?
The textbooks say nothing can travel faster than light, not even light itself. New experiments show that this is no longer true, raising questions about the maximum speed at which we can send information.
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Archaeologists get ancient audio from grooves on Pompeii pottery
French archaeologists have taken pottery from ancient Pompeii and played the grooves back like a record to get the sounds of the pottery workshop, including laughter. Click "Lire la vidéo" to play the short video which contains a sample of the audio.
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The Physics of Time Travel - Real or Fable?
Physicists have always scoffed at the idea of time travel, considering it to be the realm of cranks, mystics, and charlatans, and with good reason. However, rather remarkable advances in quantum gravity are reviving the theory...
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Man in Vietnam hasn't slept in 33 years.
64-year old Thai Ngoc had a fever in 1973, and after that he never went to sleep again, not even for a quick nap. He even had a medical examination, but doctors gave him a clean bill of health.
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First D-war review...
The director has come a long, long way from REPTILIAN, a very low grossing film. Not only does Mr. Shim succeed in the use of a real plot this time but he casts real American actors not to mention a compelling drama that takes us back 500 years to a period of ancient history known as the Chosun Dynasty.
See also: http://shorl.com/bamitivagoju
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Best PC game I've played in a while... and it's free!
Rumble Box is a fast paced 3D action beat-em-up with a unique premise: all of the characters are made of simple objects which stay around in the level even after the character is defeated. The objects pile up, changing the gameplay landscape and altering your combat tactics. This is the most fun I've had with a PC game in quite a while...
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New washing machine washes, dries, and irons.
This thing is being touted as a housewife's dream, but I think a lot of you single guys would appreciate it more.
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Chinese Communist Party Comes Out Against Chinese Censors
So the Party Elders in China have written a scathing letter to the government's censors. Excerpt:
"History demonstrates that only a totalitarian system needs news censorship, out of the delusion that it can keep the public locked in ignorance." - Ouch! Sorry that this is not technology related, but it is just TOO good!!!
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Convert any HTML, Word, or Excel to pdf for Free
While trying to find a way to convert my existing Resume into a pdf file I stumbled across this site and though I'd pass it along as it could be useful to many.
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"Dragon War" (D-war) What "Reign of Fire" Should Have Been?
It's the biggest Monster film in Korean History, D-War! Crap like "Reign of Fire" or a new fantasy classic? You decide.
Korean Website
English Website
New Teaser Trailer (1/3) (Streaming, 700k, Windows Media)
Teaser Trailer (Downloadable, Quicktime)
Making Of (Streaming, 500k, Windows Media)
Movie Stills/Posters
Source: http://www.twitchfilm.net/
Scientists make Ball Lightning in the lab for the first time
Researchers have built a system that can create lightning balls in the lab. The work may not only help us to understand ball lightning but could even lead to practical applications that make use of these artificial balls
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10GBs of High Resolution Wallpapers 1600 x 1200 Enjoy
Well I stumbled upon this great website that has 90 pages of great quality wallpapers ranging from cars to ladies to landscapes... have fun..
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The Birthday Paradox Revisited
if you're sitting in a room with forty people in it, what are the chances that two of those people have the same birthday?...Not 11% as most would conclude but in reality, due to Math's convoluted reasoning, the odds are about 90%. This phenomenon is known as the Birthday Paradox
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Video gaming keeps the brain from aging!
Gaming doesn't only improve hand-eye coördination and reflexes; "Canadian researchers are finding evidence that the high-speed, multitasking of the young and wireless can help protect their brains from aging."
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Firefly Documentary coming soon
The Documentary is hosted by Alec Baldwin, and featured interviews with many of the most important figures from the Firefly world, including creator Joss Whedon, several of the actors, and even some of the browncoat fans. the DVD will include more special features than the Firefly and Serenity DVDs combined.
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New Scientific American Podcast Launched
First episode covers cloning, stem cell, research, and evolution. (17 minutes in length)
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New sleeping bag means you never have to get out of bed again!
A great new sleeping bag designed so you never have to get out of beg again. I would also suspect it's great for those freezing cold mornings when I'm camping and the sun isn't up yet.
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StarCraft 2: Starkiller? (Video)
This is probably old, but I just stumbled upon it. It's a mod of C&C Generals that turnes it into StarCrat 2: Starkiller. Gotta love the video! See also: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5531315420052856096
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Man-made blood won't carry bacteria, viruses
Clinical tests on humanoids are set to start this time next year and alleviate the worldwide blood shortage.
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Gimpshop 2.2.10 for OS X - Now Available
Gimpshop is a Gimp modification that features menu layouts and naming conventions similar to those in Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop users should feel right at home using Gimpshop. The newest version is now avaliable. (Macs only for now.)
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Scientists build machine to find 'the God particle'.
The world's most powerful particle accelerator is being built in Switzerland to detect the fabled Higgs boson, aka the God Particle, the most elusive speck of matter envisioned by quanÂtum theory.
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New space-time theory does away with big-bang, dark energy etc.
A new theory presented by Alexander Franklin Mayer at Stanford claims time is not just linear, but points in different directions, just like gravity does not point in the same direction everywhere.
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Bittorrent Masking: How to Avoid Getting Tracked as You Download.
"Recently, a two-part freeware privacy solution has become available for torrent downloaders. These two items work together to "scramble" and conceal your P2P torrent identity online"
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MacGyver is BACK!!!
Our Favorite 80's super geek of all things non-techno is back. Check out the Super Bowl Ad early!
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Wasps Perform Brain Surgery on a Roach!
This would make a cool video. Does anyone have a link to video of this happening?
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How Dolby Headphones and Holophonic Sound works
How can you fake surround sound with just the two speakers of headphones. The concept behind it is simple. You only have two ears, yet you can still determine the direction of a sound. The shape of your ears affects and alters the sound depending upon the direction of the sound.
To simulate this effect Dolby and Holophonic uses a dummy head with well scupted outer ears and a microphone in each ear. A tone is beeing emitted from one part of the room and the results are recorded and analysed by a computer. This is repeated with tones beeing emitted from all over the room. The comuter then compares all the recordings.
The properties of a sound emitted from a specific place in the room can then be applied to any sound, giving it a place in 3D spce relative to your head.
This only works if you have headphones on, because the sound needs to be projected into your ears without disturbance of your outer ears. The closer your ears are in resemblance to the dummy's ears the more accurate the effect will be.
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This guy is awesome! He plays the Super Mario game music on a bass with eleven strings. Wow! :D
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There is no denying that Fox Searchlight can cut a damn, damn, damn-fine trailer for the film. Apple.com now has it up in HD Quicktime, and man oh man it looks far superior to my Russian DVD of the film. It positvely sparkles.
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Handbrake has been ported for Windows
Every mac users favorite DVD ripping program Handbrake has been ported for Windows. As both a Mac and Windows user I think this is great Handbrake is easy to use and makes great looking DVD rips. It will encode in multiple formats (mpeg4, H.264, Xvid) and does so very well.
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Firefox Officially Released
Firefox with many fixes, including improved Mac OS X support, has been released.
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Browse through thousands of pictures, lightning fast (free)
Today, Geekologic.com released GL Image Browser v1.0.0 for Mac OS X (Windows version is coming soon) and it's free, no ads. With this program you can browse through thousands of pictures at an amazing speed, since all the thumbnails are cached in your RAM.
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Must-have software for Mac OS X
Great list of the best Mac OS X software. Almost a CC of my Applications folder!
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